Author: coderman

Leave my credits alone

Earlier today I received an email from iStockPhoto stating that I had some credits set to expire in 90 days. Fair enough, they give me warning that this is going to happen, but I came to an interesting thought, why do electronic credits expire? I...

Ads for Adobe PDF

Adobe has just announced a beta (need to be invited) for a service that will place targeted ads within PDF content. The system is set up to deliver relevant ads powered by Yahoo and allows the publisher the ability to block competitors. This system could...

The Code Trip

TheCodeTrip is an upcoming Microsoft tour to promote and give developers a chance to learn about Silverlight. The touring idea may be fresh in your brain from the previous Adobe AIR Tour earlier this year. At the moment is looking for ideas, so if you have...

Review: FDT 3 for Eclipse

I have published a review on FDT 3 for Eclipse. This application is a wonderful ActionScript editor that when paired with the Flash code library makes it very painless to develop Flash applications. The latest release has support for ActionScript 2 and 3 which is great...

New Adobe AIR Logo

Just noticed the posting over at Mike Chambers blog. Adobe has released a new (and I hope final) version of the AIR logo. I actually like the concept behind it and it really sits nicely on the desktop. Now all they need is some stickers for...