
Proxy set via WebKit? Answer is no

Resolved: As it turns out, Charles does indeed change those settings, but for some reason didn't revert them when it closed. Leaving the Network dialog box open will show an alert message that the settings are changed and then will show those 2 boxes checked/un-checked...

Tethering a 30D in Aperture 2

After recently upgrading to Aperture version 2.0 I was informed that the Canon 30D was one of the various cameras not supported by Apple at this time. At first I got mad, cursed at the computer and then started of possible alternatives. I could run...

View on Apple changing

The title kind of says it all, but basically my overall view on Apple is starting to shift. First, the locked down nature of the iPhone really annoyed me as a developer, but I understood the security dilemma so I let it go. Now Steve...

MacHeist II

MacHeist has been all the rage this past few weeks and I finally got a moment to write about it. Basically this site is the ultimate OS X software bundle valued at over $360.00 which is being sold for the low price of $49. When...

iTunes Plus songs now 99¢

I just noticed that Apple has lowered the cost of iTunes Plus songs to the standard 99¢. This is a very interesting step forward in Apple proving that DRM is a waste of money and time. All it really does is hurts legitimate users that...