
Spell Check

In this day and age with project managers and copy artists, why do so many ads have misspelled copy? The latest one brought to my attention by my designer cousin, in Florida, can be seen on the Project Runway web site. On top of that I...

1Password – Password Management for OS X

I have always been looking for ways to manage all my password, across multiple browsers and even systems. Originally I started writing them down (worst idea) and then started using only a few passwords, but that was just as bad. After that I began to...

Adobe releases Free Data Services

Adobe has released BlazeDS which is the server-based Java remoting and web messaging technology. It will enable developers to easily connect to server distributed data and push data to Adobe® Flex™ and Adobe AIR™ applications to create a more responsive RIA. This is a big step forward...

Ads for Adobe PDF

Adobe has just announced a beta (need to be invited) for a service that will place targeted ads within PDF content. The system is set up to deliver relevant ads powered by Yahoo and allows the publisher the ability to block competitors. This system could...

Review: FDT 3 for Eclipse

I have published a review on FDT 3 for Eclipse. This application is a wonderful ActionScript editor that when paired with the Flash code library makes it very painless to develop Flash applications. The latest release has support for ActionScript 2 and 3 which is great...