Author: coderman

Buy a house for $100 and an essay

Update: The contest has been cancelled due to legal restrictions, you can read more on the contests web site. The $100 house contest is both interesting and sad. Not sad because of the idea, but clear proof at just how screwed this economy is and how...

3 new Tutorials from Scriptplayground

May has just begun and is already a busy month for Scriptplayground. To date we have released 3 unique articles and have some bigger stuff in the works. A special thanks to guest author aklement for writing the introduction to OOP and Design Patterns. The other...

Proxy set via WebKit? Answer is no

Resolved: As it turns out, Charles does indeed change those settings, but for some reason didn't revert them when it closed. Leaving the Network dialog box open will show an alert message that the settings are changed and then will show those 2 boxes checked/un-checked...

SWFBlog in an alpha state

Earlier last night I developed (in about 2 hours) the prototype of a Flash-based Wordpress theme. The concept is not entirely original, but I still was intrigued to create my own. I have a lot of distance to go and not sure when exactly I...