Author: coderman

Flash contact form

After getting about 50 (not kidding) emails and comments I have decided the contact form needs an update. At the same time I wanted to let everyone know that the contact form in the How To WOW with Flash book is feature complete and ready...

Leopard is available

for pre-order.. that is according to an email I got from Amazon. At first glance it seemed too good to be true and sure enough it was. Personally I am kind of tired of the pre-order thing, Halo 3 on order 8 months before it...

iPhone — my pre-launch thoughts

Well with the launch of the iPhone on the horizon I figured I would add my thoughts into the pool. First impression I wanted to pre-order that new phone, but after stepping back and looking at what it had to offer I began to really...

Stop stealing my bandwidth

A recent article on Broadband reports states that Time Warner Cable (TWC) is going to be implementing "packet shaping". Which simply means you are punished if your a power user, so instead of upgrading the system they decide to punish you. Their argument is that...