Author: coderman

Adobe CS3 Announced

Adobe has posted the official info on all of the CS3 applications. Go take a look and get ready to move into the next generation of development and design. I know what I will be purchasing later this year. I also have to give credit...

Unbox is Not Supported

After the release of Apple TV I have been looking around at different video services. One of those was Amazon's "Unbox" which installs a player that connects to Amazon and downloads the movies for you to enjoy. I figured since Amazon has some other great...

TMNT movie

Just came back from the TMNT movie and have to say I was very pleased with it. The story was consistant with the older TV cartoon that I watched all the time. It was also interesting to be able to pick out the vehicles/accessories the...

LogoMaid steals logo from SimpleBits is at it again. This assembly line for cheap, non-original logos appears to have taken the new logo from SImpleBits, modified the shape slightly, and tried to pawn it off as their own. A pretty long discussion takes place on this Flickr page between...

Lift off — first Apollo app

I have developed a very simple Apollo application. The purpose was to get a handle on the API and basically experiment with Resize, Events, Chromeless and a few others. Here is a screenshot of the application and I will probably post the ".air" file later on. Also...

Apollo alpha now available in Adobe Labs

Apollo Alpha now available. Apollo is the code name for a cross-operating system runtime being developed by Adobe that allows developers to leverage their existing web development skills (Flash, Flex, HTML, JavaScript, Ajax) to build and deploy rich Internet applications (RIAs) to the desktop. Apollo enables developers...