Author: coderman

Flash Player 9 Update

Just hours after Adobe released the Flash CS3 Air Compiler, they have released an update to the Flash Player. Here is what got updated/added: Support for H.264 video and HE-AAC audio codecs Multi-core support for vector rendering. Full screen mode with hardware scaling. Flash Player cache...

Flash CS3 Professional Update, AIR support

Adobe has released a CS3 Update which now offers the ability to build AIR applications in Flash CS3. Now is the time, start developing some sweet AIR applications! The Adobe® Integrated Runtime (AIR) update for Flash® CS3 beta 1 software will allow you to package and...

PHP to generate font code for Flex

I have been loading Fonts for a project for over 2 hours now and I am about 70{9eb845e9932a4c0558a0305a78bf1c2d5042d8a06323e6cdeacdb9c8597fbf65} done. Basically I needed an SWF library of fonts to be used in an application I am developing, problem is the font needs to be registered (loaded) in order for the “New Font” option to see it. Now on the Mac I found adding/deleting fonts is easy, but very time consuming.

This is all being done in AS2, of course my love of Flash comes in to AS3, where I was able to (just for testing) create this little PHP script that reads a directory of fonts and creates the embed tags for me.. figured I would share it, so here it is.

Again, this is ONLY for AS3 (in Flex).

$dir = opendir('./fonts/');
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir)))
if ($file != "." && $file != "..")
print "@font-face {\n\tsrc:url(\"fonts/" . $file . "\");\n\tfontFamily: myFont;\n\tflashType: true;\n}\n";

It repeatedly prints out import blocks, like this:
@font-face {
fontFamily: myFont;
flashType: true;

Flash printing, not playing nice

While working on a Flash project this week I came across a nice bug in the printing process. Basically you create a couple of shapes on the stage, call the print process and you get a printed page.. well thats how it is suppose to...

Custom iPhone, sort of

After really not liking the default layout on the home screen and missing custom ringtones I decided to hack my iPhone.. well sort of, more like forcefully modified my iPhone. Here is an older shot of the update.. now the carrier logo is "mkeefeDESIGN" because this...