Author: coderman

iTunes Plus songs now 99¢

I just noticed that Apple has lowered the cost of iTunes Plus songs to the standard 99¢. This is a very interesting step forward in Apple proving that DRM is a waste of money and time. All it really does is hurts legitimate users that...

WordPress Cheat Sheet

Just came across this really awesome PDF-based cheat sheet for WordPress. Using this makes it really easy to edit the templates without having to remember those formatted strings you see all throughout WordPress. I recommend this cheat sheet for any beginner looking to build custom themes...

Playlist of the Living Dead

Bungie will be setting up Ranked Matchmaking in Halo3 for Halloween, the gory details (pun intended) can be found on the Bungie Forums and it looks to be a great time. I have some work piling up, but I hope to get a few hours...

Conflicting install notes

After about 30 minutes wasted trying to install avmplus I quickly discovered the fact that no one has ever come up with standard install instructions for OS X hacks and modifications.. why exactly, I have no idea. All I know is avmplus isn't getting installed anytime...