MacHeist II

MacHeist II

logo.pngMacHeist has been all the rage this past few weeks and I finally got a moment to write about it. Basically this site is the ultimate OS X software bundle valued at over $360.00 which is being sold for the low price of $49. When you purchase a bundle you get to determine which charities receive the donation and you can even split across all 10 of them.


Overall the concept has gained a lot of publicity and for good reason, some do think the concept is bad since they are making so much money from it and basing it on indie software, but I for one think it is a cool concept and have already bought my bundle of cool software.

1 Comment

  • Prescott Perez-Fox

    Reply February 11, 2008 1:23 pm

    This has received a lot of criticism for it’s low price and how it’s scamming the indy software vendors who are just trying to make a buck. Considering the Mac software community is so small and inbred, I can understand that. But at the same time, no one is forcing them to license their software to this bundle.

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