Looking Back on 2013

Looking Back on 2013

Well 2013 was certainly packed full of interesting, new, great and sad times. I will touch on the highlights and major events of this year.

From a professional standpoint I was interviewed by VitaminT on mobile and web app development. My company got the opportunity to work on some pretty amazing projects and we recently updated the website to reflect these projects. Some of which included a mobile app for Porsche, an update to the popular Four Stack card game and the beginning of a second screen app for a major broadcaster!

On the personal side of things this year was HUGE! My wife and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary. To think 4 years ago we were at a Dane Cook show on a “non-date” and now this year we bought a house together. So blessed to be able to provide a home for my family and see our son make lots of new friends!

I was also able to check off another one of my dreams this year, which was to purchase a motorcycle and got some good riding time in. I was also able to tinker in the garage and installed HID headlights and an exhaust.

The sad times this year was losing my grandfather Frank, he was the one I had so many meaningful business conversations with. I already miss him so much and don’t expect it to get easier any time soon. I was of course blessed to have such a loving wife that jumped in and helped out during that tough time.

All things considered, 2013 was very interesting. I look forward to growing the company, traveling with the family and anything else 2014 has in store for us.

Happy New Year!!

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