Freelance to perm
That post title may come as a bit of a shocker to some but its the truth. I am currently in talks with a company (to be disclosed at a later date) which I will be working freelance with. The idea is to “test” the project flow and team where I may very well become an employee.
The company is working on some great stuff that I can’t wait to be a part of. In fact I will start freelancing with them once I return from my Florida vacation later this month. To say i’m excited is an understatement. I am freaking thrilled.
Once I learn more about the company and projects I will make the “tough” decision of actually hanging up my freelance hat, at least during the day.
I will leave you with a clue of where the company is. Lets have some fun with this, first person to leave the correct company name in the comments gets a $20 iTunes Gift Card courtesy of me. I will not give additional hints or acknowledge incorrect/correct answers till I announce the company later this month. Good luck.
Rob Fox
July 3, 2010 4:21 amThe apple store xD?
July 3, 2010 1:27 pmMy attempts
Citylife Real Estate
T D Banknorth‎
Back Bay Financial Group, Inc
Vestar Capital Partners
Loomis Group in Boston
NBC News
July 3, 2010 7:40 pmI know, I know,, do I count? =P
August 19, 2010 11:05 pmLitl in Boston lol, do i win! ?
October 21, 2010 6:08 pmNo one guessed it (fair), not surprising though. Vincent you already knew, but yes, its Litl in Boston. A rockstar team of people if I say so myself!