Miley Cyrus Vanity Fair Photo Shoot Upset

Miley Cyrus Vanity Fair Photo Shoot Upset

I am sure at this point you have read about the recent Vanity Fair photo shoot that had Miley topless (but covered by a sheet)? If not, look on Google or You Tube because its not important at this point.

My main issue with this “news” if you could call it that, is the photographer is the one getting the blame here. Granted she set up the shot and maybe even had the original idea, but I actually blame her dad.. and no, not because of who he is, but more importantly because he was there. In fact I can’t believe the entire shoot, its just wrong.. however, blaming the photographer seems to be a stretch in this case.

I do understand this isn’t a normal topic I would talk about, but it is loosely photography related.. right?


  • jacob

    Reply April 28, 2008 9:33 pm

    it’s definitely not news and it makes me laugh it was the main story on sites like drudgereport today, but she is 15, she is the face of the disney channel right now and it was bad form to make it the cover of vanity fair. Also her dad wasn’t there, he had left and it was only grandma apparently that got convinced it was artistic.

    Regardless…this is the first step in the britneyspearsification of miley. It won’t be long til the world can’t wait to see this girl in the same position britney is in. Good job America.

  • Live-Dimension

    Reply April 29, 2008 5:16 pm

    Your right, this isn’t news. And honestly, I feel abit bad for the photographer. This will proberly follow her as a very bad mark in her career, as well as the sole and only reason that alot of people won’t shoot with her now.

    I haven’t seen the photos – but a sheet exposes far less then what most models use.

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