My 2020 Goals List

Below is a list of goals I will accomplish this year. Some are for professional development and others are personal. I will continue to update this site as the year progresses. I am not making this public to brag or say "look at me" but rather taking advantage of public accountability.

Lose 50 pounds (0% completed)
Read 52 books (0% completed)
Grow PixelBit* (0% completed)
100 YouTube Videos - Coderman (0% completed)
52 YouTube Videos - Foster Unscripted (0% completed)
Pay Off Corporate Debt (0% completed)
Buy Ferrari F430 (money saved percentage) (15% completed)
Learn Portuguese, Rosetta Stone level 1 (10% completed)
Complete 5 home improvement projects (0% completed)
Improve my firearm proficiency. Visit range at least 20 times. (0% completed)
Cook 30 meals (0% completed)

* I realize this one has no public metric to track, however one does exist! :)